After years of persistent work we managed to finish Szedmak Winehouse, which plays the role of both winery and our family home.
We adore diversity of Tokaj grape varieties and their unique taste which is emphasized by a special climate of Tokaj Wine Region. Sándor Szedmák winemaker, owner of the Szedmák Winehouse.
Szedmák Pince és Borház -Tarcal
On entering Tarcal through Bodrogkeresztúr, you will be greeted by the Kövesd row of cellars on your left hand side. Here you will find our neat little winery, where upon arrival you enter a magical world where time slows down. We welcome you with genuine smiles and glasses of our golden wine making you feel at home away from home.
Be it with your family, friends, as a couple or by yourself that you join us, we hope to share our enthusiasm for wine and ensure that you have a delightful time. We like to get to know all of our guests individually and allow plentiful time for everyone to explore our wines making the tasting a tranquil and captivating experience.
You can enjoy the summer sunshine on our terrace where children can draw and play while the parents sip away at their glasses of fragrant wine. During the cold winter months we serve our wine in the company of a roaring fire in our cosy reception area.
We are now open all year round with weekend activities including vineyard tours and wine tastings. We also offer the chance to buy the wines you tasted by the bottle or case after the tour. For up to date information on events please check out our facebook page, or if you are looking to organise a corporate wine tasting event or bring along a large group of friends, please let us know so that we can provide you with individual recommendations.
The winery is also our home so if on arrival you can’t find us, please knock on the door and we will be happy to help. We wouldn’t want anyone to leave Tarcal empty handed!
We are a first-generation family winery.
We are winemakers of first generation but in our wines you will find knowledge, experience and passion inherited from generations of Hungarians living in Tokaj region.
5 + 1 reasons to visit us on your trip to Tarcal:
1. Our wine tastings don’t merely inform but take you through a visual and sensual journey aided by anecdotes and hand picked photographs of the winery process.
2. We offer you the chance to sample the grapes producing the famous nectar-like Aszú wine.
3. You can buy top quality wine at favorable prices.
4. During the Autumn months you can experience the excitement of harvest at the vineyards of Tarcal.
5. Alongside our traditional Tokaj wine tastings we also offer exquisite local cuisine.
We are waiting for you in a friendly and warm enviroment!
Since Szedmák Winehouse is also our home, feel free to just knock on our door. Don’t leave Tarcal with empty hands! For opening hours please check our facebook page! For more information please email us: or phone: +36309788717
What the world wrote about us
Szedmák Winery - The Heart of the Kövesd Cellar Row
„Let us stop here for a second; it is my fault that I had the impression I knew the region like the back of my hand but I had to realize that it is only the tip of the iceberg I really know. I cannot be grateful enough for the Szedmák family for opening my eyes.”
6 Must-Visit Wineries in Tokaj Hungary
Planning to visit the wineries in the Tokaj wine region of Hungary? We know just how difficult it is to put together a wine tasting trip to this area. Although it’s one of the most well-known wine regions in Hungary, there isn’t a lot of information available for those wishing to visit.
Tak blisko, tak daleko… Tokaj cz.1
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Gdzie wino to sztuka – Tokaj cz.2
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Introducing the Szedmák Pince
The occasion for my most recent visit to the area was to see a few of the small wineries in Tarcal. As you enter Tarcal by way of Bodrogkeresztúr and across the Tokaji Hill, on your right you will see a pretty little building with holiday apartments (it’s worth checking them out if you are with a larger company), and on your left a series of wine cellars. There are only a few noteworthy wineries here, but there is an abundance of trucks from Poland.
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